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root@romancentral~ $ cat about_roman.txt
Welcome, ladies and gentlemen, to my humble abode. Enter with all due caution and enjoy the ramblings in the daily life of a software engineer doubling in devOps. First things first - let me be as courteous as to introduce myself. I’m Roman, currently 26 years old and enjoy working with several programming languages, continously honing my skills, the most important of which are:
Furthermore, I have advanced experience and familiarity with CI/CD pipelines, ansible, Linux and Windows servers, cloud computing, database clusters, SQL operations, threading models, noSQL databases, in-memory caching and queuing as well as with the development of RESTful APIs and data serialization. Yet, your journey on this website has just begun, so I’ll commit to not listing my entire resume on the first page and just refer to my skillset page as for further elaboration on this matter.
Currently, I am developing a C++ - based Matrix Server, which I decided to christen “Agora” - I’ll be posting updates on my progress and design process here within the upcoming weeks, both on my blog and within the projects section.
In my free time, I love weightlifting, swimming, working on exciting new projects, cooking, reading, playing a game whose release I’ve been looking forward to, or riding my bike - maybe we’ll see each other on the road come summertime!
If you wish to contact me about a possible cooperation on a project or a contracting job, please feel free to use any of the provided methods, either discord, matrix or eMail. Should you wish for the communication to be as secure as possible, you’re welcome to make yourself acquainted with the methods outlined on the pertinent subpage.