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SVG Image

Roman's Jukebox

root@romancentral~ $ cat about_roman.txt

Welcome, ladies and gentlemen, to my humble abode. Enter with all due caution and enjoy the ramblings in the daily life of a software engineer doubling in devOps. First things first - let me be as courteous as to introduce myself. I’m Roman, currently 26 years old and living in Germany. I enjoy working with several programming languages, continously honing my skills, the most important of which are:

Python C++ C# ASM Java Rust

Furthermore, I have advanced experience and familiarity with CI/CD pipelines, ansible, Linux and Windows servers, cloud computing, database clusters, SQL operations, threading models, noSQL databases, in-memory caching and queuing as well as with the development of RESTful APIs and data serialization.

Currently, I am developing a C++ - based Matrix Server, which I decided to christen “Agora” - I’ll be posting updates on my progress and design process here within the upcoming weeks.

I have also dabbled in tensorflow, machine learning, and its application in production environments, especially with regards to building predictive models concerning sales and marketing strategies.

In my free time, I love weightlifting, swimming, working on exciting new projects, cooking, reading, playing a game whose release I’ve been looking forward to, or riding my bike - maybe we’ll see each other on the road come summertime!

If you wish to contact me about a possible cooperation on a project or a contracting job, please feel free to use any of the provided methods, either discord, matrix or eMail.