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 |  | \/(  <_> ) \___ \ |  |_> >|  |\  ___/  \___ \     / /_/ | \  ___/  \   / 
 |__|    \____/ /____  >|   __/ |__| \___  >/____  > /\ \____ |  \___  >  \_/  
                     \/ |__|             \/      \/  \/      \/      \/        
SVG Image

root@romancentral~ $ gpg --armor --encrypt --recipient public@web.com helloworld.txt

Secure communication channels

Secure communication is available either by means of Matrix messenger, or via my eMail address roman@rospies.dev by using GNUPG encryption. As to facilitate that, my public key is available via download or below:

Feel free to contact me at any time about any further questions you may have. For information about how your data may be processed when visiting this website, please refer to the legal section.