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SVG Image

root@romancentral~ $ virsh start skills

Programming Languages:

As of this time, the programming languages I have extensive experience with include:

📌 C, C++, C#

📌 Python, Java

📌 Assembly x86

📌 Go, Rust

📌 Bash, Powershell

Furthermore, I have dabbled in several other languages, including Zig and JavaScript.

Markup Languages:

📌 HTML, CSS, SCSS, XML, Markdown, LaTeX

Libraries and Frameworks:

📌 Python:

  • numPy, pandas, tensorflow, django, flask, pyTorch, Keras, sciPy, matplotlib, pytest

📌 C/C++:

  • CapnProto, Protobuf, Drogon, folly, spdlog, Boost, Qt, eigen, gtest, abseil | re2, liburing, libevent, libsodium, openssl, botan, zstd, diverse memory allocators (jemalloc, mimalloc)

  • jsoncpp, jwt-cpp, dataframe, lazycsv, hiredis, SIMDJson

  • flashlight, cuda, Intel TBB, libfork, SObjectizer, GNUPG / GPGME, OpenLDAP, libpq, tracy, google mock, cmocka, UnitTest++

  • Cairo, dlib, Caffe, SimSIMD, Xtensor/XSimd, PDF-Writer, Trilinos, RapidXML, fmt, rapidfuzz

  • Chrono, TileDB, libvirtd

📌 C#:

  • Various: XML Parsers, SignalR, NewtonsoftJson, MemoryMappedFile, Log4net…

📌 Java:

  • Apache Tomcat, Avro, Log4j, Keycloak, JDom et. al.

📌 Go / Rust:

  • Go: Gin, fiber, fastHTTP

  • Rust: vodozemac, Actix Web, Rocket


📌 CI/CD / IAC:

  • GitLab, Jenkins, Gitea, bash scripting, ansible, docker, artifactory, docker hub, nagios | icinga, prometheus, from-scratch / self-contained pipelines, terraform, portainer, FTP/SFTP, load balancing, authelia, certificate renewal

📌 Cloud:

  • AWS / Azure deployment


  • Gitlab integration, semgrep, gremlin

Tools, Platforms and miscellaneous:

📌 SCM:

  • Git, GitHub, GitLab, Jenkins, Gitea

📌 Web:

  • Cloudflare, nginx, haproxy, caddy, network configuration and optimization, routing, iptables, fail2ban, networking, REST API development, websockets, backend development

📌 Linux Servers:

  • SSH, LUKS encryption, RAID, tripwire, suricata, nmap, SELinux|AppArmor, VPN, firejail, systemd, virtualization, bash scripting

📌 Databases:

  • PostgreSQL, MariaDB, MSSQL, Oracle, Redis | Dragonfly

📌 Containerization / deployment:

  • Docker, cloud platform, AWS, Azure

📌 Collaboration:

  • Youtrack, Redmine, confluence

📌 Build Systems:

  • cmake, ninja, makefile, gradle, pip, npm, cargo

📌 Security:

  • Hashicorp Vault integration, encryption, auth flow development / challenge response patterns, OPAQUE, ZK-STARKS, WAF / libmodsecurity